Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner For Eco Friendly Homes

By Kenneth Brown

We live in an age where where are taught early on about the importance of protecting the environment. A trip to your local grocery store and you will be met with loads of alternatives to traditional products on sale. From organic pasta to non toxic all purpose cleaner, there is a green solution for everything. In this article we are going to take a look at why harsh chemicals should be banished from our cleaning cupboards forever.

Traditionally we would clean with bleach as well as with a lot of chemicals. Bleach was a staple product in the bathroom and under the kitchen sink. You would have cans of oven cleaner, and horrible smelling grease remover sprays too.

So, let us fast forward to today, and a modern age where chemical cleaners are simply no longer acceptable. You will find green cleaning solutions everywhere you turn. And if you want to save even more money you can make your very own green cleaning products at home. A quick look around your kitchen and you will find that you already stock a lot of ingredients that you need for making your own cleaning materials. Baking soda, white wine vinegar, and lemon juice are all perfect for green cleaning, and for sure you already have all of them.

So, now lets take a look at why it is so important to get rid of chemicals from our homes. It is not difficult when you think about it. Chemicals are toxic and they harm us and the environment. Bleach is one of the worst offenders. Bleach stings the eyes and makes it difficult to breath when inhaled, so just imagine what it is doing to your lungs and the rest of your body. No doubt you will have had at least one accident with bleach in your life.

So, if that is what happens to you when you use bleach, what about your pets, elderly relatives, and young children. A child will inhale the fumes and this will make breathing very difficult, and will often result in a trip to the emergency room. So, to stop this type of accident from happening, ensure that you replace your chemical cleaners and your bottle of bleach with green cleaning products.

Chemical cleaners are irritants. If you suffer from asthma, your breathing will become even more difficult. If you have sensitive skin, you may also come out in a rash. Perhaps you are the owner of an office and have noticed members of staff taking sick days directly after your premise has been deep cleaned with chemicals. Your pets suffer too, and they can even lick chemicals off the floor.

So, once you clean with chemicals, where does the waste go. If you tip it down the drain it will go on to do even more harm underground. Here the flora and fauna will be destroyed, and you will notice possible that the grass on your lawn stops growing. This is particularly the case if you have cracked drainpipes. So, to put a stop to this destruction you must stop using toxic cleaners.

Here you have two alternatives. You can by non toxic cleaners at your local grocery store or you can make them by hand at home. You will find dozens of recipes online for green cleaners you can make at home, and you will therefore know just exactly what you are using. For an all purpose cleaner, add some essential oils to your recipe. This way your cleaner will smell fantastic and cleaning your home will become fun.

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