Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Making Glitter Wall Paint Work For You

By Christine Powell

Every year we find a new way to update our homes and make them represent us in some way, and this year is no different. The latest trend to hit the shelves of your favourite DIY store is glitter wall paint. It was only a matter of time before sparkles moved away from the make-up stands and onto our walls and we couldn't be happier.

Step one on the journey to the perfect sparkly wall is to find the perfect paint. It is available pretty much everywhere now, but it is worth doing a little research and finding a product that is high quality and long lasting. This is the case when buying any paint, but especially so with glitter as it can look cheap and tacky very easily.

One of the benefits of this is that you can use it just about anywhere in the home, or even outside the home if you buy the right type of paint. Small bathrooms look big and glamorous, living rooms become exciting and bedrooms become sexy. If you're feeling adventurous why not make it your trademark throughout the whole house?

The most popular option is for a feature wall. That way it is not too overpowering but is still enough to be a statement in the room. A good way to check if this is a good option for you is to test it with glitter wrapping paper. Apply it with blue tac or some other temporary method and stand back. It might not work for everyone, but if done right it can look very nice.

Another surprisingly simple way to use it is to add a mural to one wall. This can be something extravagant for those of a creative nature, or you could simply buy a stencil and use that to add a limited amount of glitter to the room. You can buy stencils with just about any design now, from minimalist flowers to more complex layered designs.

One option that is a little more unusual, but becoming increasingly popular, is to paint tiles. It looks best when a band or border of tiles is painted, but you could decorate the entire bathroom if you chose the right colour. Again, it is all up to your personal style, but if you are going to decorate tiles in a wet area, ensure you buy suitable product for the conditions.

Alternatively, you can paint your furniture. This has a similar effect to a feature wall but is less permanent. Depending on the furniture you choose to decorate, it is much more subtle so you can get away with choosing a brighter colour. Bookshelves can simply have a couple of strips of colour on the front. Chest of drawers could just be painted on the drawers. Play around with some ideas until you settle on one that feels right.

All it comes down to is a little creative flair, a little skill and the right designer and you'll have a bright new home that will raise your spirits.

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