Thursday, April 18, 2019

With A DWI Criminal Attorney Outer Banks NC Cases Proceed Quicker

By Harold Harris

Every year police officers arrest a host of people for driving under the influence. Despite massive public education programs about the dangers of driving while drunk far too many people still consider themselves perfectly safe on the roads after having a few drinks. Most of them never even consider the consequences of being arrested and accused of committing a crime. But with an experienced DWI criminal attorney Outer Banks NC residents can expect expert representation.

Many policemen dread dealing with drunken drivers. They are often aggressive, denying that they have been drinking and refusing to cooperate. Others think that an emotional outburst will soften the arresting officer and many even often bribes. None of these ploys will work. The best thing do when being arrested for driving under the influence is to cooperate and to follow the instruction of the arresting officer.

Intoxicated people often act irrationally and they say things that they should never have said. When arrested, it is important to cooperate but to remain silent until the lawyer is present. Agreeing to answer questions and to make a formal statement can have a serious negative impact upon the case. Many people think that exercising the right to remain silent is a sure sign of guilt, but this is not the case.

When a lawyer accepts a case, he will ensure that all the rights of his client were honored when he was arrested. Any deviances from the strict prescribed procedures can lead to an application to dismiss the charges against his client. The lawyer will next make arrangements for bail. If his client cannot raise the amount set for bail, he will negotiate with a bail bondsman on behalf of the client.

Experienced lawyers specializing in DUI cases are often able to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor. The courts are hopelessly overloaded with cases and prosecutors are often willing to agree to a lesser sentence in exchange for a plea of guilty. If there is no doubt that the accused did indeed drive under the influence, then this arrangement is sensible and less traumatic.

Far too many people do not see DUI offences in the serious light that it should be seen. Drunken drivers are dangerous and if convicted they will have to live with a permanent criminal record. This can have a detrimental effect on their career prospects and they may have to pay a very steep fine. Many accused even have to borrow money from a bail bondsman in order to post bail.

DUI cases are so prolific that thousands of lawyers specialize in representing those accused and arrested for drunken driving. When arrested, one should never try to represent oneself. It is all too easy to make mistakes that can have serious long term consequences. The cost of hiring an experienced lawyer is nothing when compared to the possible alternatives.

Anyone contemplating driving after having a few drinks should think about the possibility that they may cause an accident. They may cause damage or worse, they may injure or kill innocent people. This will not only destroy their own lives but also the lives of the victims.

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